Sunday 11 February 2018

White Sauce Pasta


                  White Sauce Pasta


reasons why pasta is good for health:

Good for diabetics: Whole grain pasta cooked in olive oil with vegetables or lean meat is a very healthy meal by itself. It is full of antioxidant vitamins, heart healthy fats and bodybuilding protein. This makes it ideal for people who suffer from conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Protects against cancer: Pastas are classically made with a rich tomato sauce that has been delicately spiced with herbs. This cooked and reduced tomato sauce is a rich source of an antioxidant called lycopene. It prevents damage to body cells and the DNA protecting against breast and prostate cancer. It also delays the signs of ageing. A dash of olive oil will make lycopene highly absorbable.
One pot meal: One can add meat, both fresh and processed, a wide range of vegetables and herbs, lentils, nuts and cheese to pasta. It means that a bowl of pasta is rich in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals making it a wholesome meal.

 Why We Have To Make Recipies In Houme??

 Saves money

Eating homemade foods is usually much cheaper than eating at a restaurant or buying processed foods from the market.
When we eat at a restaurant, we pay for not only the food, but also the costs of running that business. The lights, the water, the building, and the staff   in addition to the meal we are eating. The same goes for the pre-made or frozen meals at grocery stores.

Brings family together:

Studies show that when we eat together, our kids and family are much healthier. Eating together is linked to less obesity, kids doing better in school, and less substance abuse within the family.”
Involving your children in food preparation (maybe by asking them to read the recipe out loud or mix ingredients) is not only a fun thing to do, but also a great way to teach them healthy eating habits.
Saves time:
It might seem like grabbing something to eat at the local supermarket or driving to get take-out at the closest restaurant might be a quick solution when you’re in a hurry. In reality, many times it can be much faster to cook something at home, especially when you plan ahead.


 It is very low in sodium and cholesterol-free. Per cup, enriched varieties provide a  source of several essential nutrients, including iron and several B-vitamins. Whole wheat pasta can provide up to 25% of daily fiber requirements in every one cup portion. is part of a well-
balanced diet.


So let's start it :


  •   water
  •   1 teb oil
  •   1 teb salt or accordingly to ur tast
  •   1 cup penna pasta
  •   1 teb chopped garlic
  •   2 small size carrot
  •   corn seed
  •   capcicum
  •   1 teb butter
  •   2 teb maida (all purpose flower )
  •   1.5 cup milk
  •   1 teb chili flakes
  •   1 teb black papper powder
  •    salt to taste

 Method of this recipe:

  To make whitw sause pasta first of all you have to take a pane on medium flame , add 2 cup water in it , add 1 teb of  oil , salt to tast ,mix it well ,Now add your pasta into it ,and cook it untill and unless it will boil 4  times or when you fell that your pasta is almost willl takw 7 mins. Now take out pasta in a bowl ,seprate the water from ur pasta.

Now take an othere pane and aheat it well. noe add 2 teb of oil ,add chopped garlic cook it well untill its colour will goldn .  then add carrot capcicum and corns into it , cook it for few min , then cover the pane untill your vegetables will cooked properly , then when it will cooked takae it out from pane into a dish ,

Then in the same panea add 1 teb of butter , add 2 teb of maida ( all purpose flower ) ,  mix and cook it well on low flame , then you have to add 2 cup of milk into it gradually , cook sause properly . after some time add red chili and black papper powder into it  and add salt also to your taste , cook it for 3
_4 mins then add vegetables into it ,cook it .. then ad your boiled pasta  ,,cook it on low flame for few mins ,

enjoy this pasta with family and freands, 


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